Selected Projects
Named Entity Recognition On English Spanish Code Switched Data (Paper | Results)
Best System Award from Amazon
- Usage of SVD based alignment of word embedding from two different languages (English and Spanish) for the task.
- A novel method of ensemble of activations from different activation functions.
- Final system achieved State Of Art results with an F1 of 63.76%.
Irony Detection Project (Paper | Results)
- Combined linguistic features with activations from a neural network DeepMoji.
- Proposed and implemeted usage of SMOTE for handling the problem of imbalance in dataset.
- System was ranked 4th among 38 participating teams in the shared task.
Tourism Domain QA System (Poster)
Best Poster Runner-up on Institute Day 2018
- Designed the tourism based QA system by dependency tree matching of the query and answer sentences.
- Implemented a dynamic programming algorithm for matching the query with the answer sentences.
For my other projects checkout my github account.